Donor Privacy and Refund Policy.

Donor Privacy Policy
Your financial support of WPFW – Pacifica Foundation Radio, regardless of whether it’s made online or by more traditional means, is a private transaction between you and the station.
Your personal information will not be sold, shared or exchanged with other nonprofit organizations or third parties.
On occasion, WPFW provides its list to vendors who conduct work for WPFW or conduct an activity for the benefit of WPFW. These vendors are required to maintain the confidentiality of WPFW’s files and to adhere to a policy of not exchanging, selling, or otherwise disclosing the station’s list.

Refund Policy

Your support for WPFW is a charitable donation to a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. For any question about refunds, please contact the station using the information below.
For more information, contact Jerry Paris, WPFW’s General Manager at 202-588-0999 ext. 0

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